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How can I Lose Weight Fast

5:55 AM

How to Beat the Fat Belly

There are two main types of fat in the stomach area.
Visceral (pronounced viss-er-al) fat is stored deep inside your body. It surrounds and protects your internal organs. Subcutaneous (pronounced sub-cue-tain-ee-us) fat, on the other hand, is stored just under your skin. It's the stuff that wobbles when you jump up and down.

So, if you want to lose belly fat, what should you do?

Firstly, you will need to exercise. And a feeble 30 or 40 minutes of cardio in your so-called "fat-burning zone" two or three times a week isn't going to be enough. As you've learned, a full-body training program that includes both cardiovascular and resistance exercise will deliver better, faster results

You'll also need to eat the right foods.

I know it's a cliché, but a flat stomach is made in the kitchen and not the gym. Deciding what to eat can be difficult,losing belly fat requires that you take in fewer calories than you burn. Don't be seduced into following an overly complicated diet masquerading under the guise of a "new and revolutionary" approach to weight loss.
Finally, you'll need to be consistent.

To lose belly fat, eating right and exercising regularly needs to become a habit, not just something you do when you can be bothered or when you "have the time." If your current schedule makes it difficult to find the time for exercise, change it. Get out of bed earlier. Turn off the TV. Stop wasting time on Facebook.