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Why Your Face Is Fat and healthy

There are other factors that lead to large face fat deposits aside from aging. Toxicity also leads to aging and weight gain. The prevalence of unhealthy habits is the reason why so many people’s faces are fat.

Lack of sleep (or its excess thereof) and too much stress both disrupt your entire endocrine system, which is responsible for producing hormones. Hormones determine how fast you age, how much muscle you build, how much sugar you use, and how much fat you store.

If your endocrine organs are not in tiptop shape then your tissue will lose elasticity and firmness much earlier than it should, giving you a fat and unhealthy-looking appearance. So to reduce face fat try to sleep on time for 7 to 8 hours and exercise to manage stress..

Eating a standard western diet that is high in animal fat and protein is one of the biggest contributors to the formation and development of unwanted face fat.

Animal protein is acidifying and therefore accelerates aging. Aside from contributing to weight gain, animal fat is toxic because it is where the animal’s poisons are stored. A toxic body will therefore have swollen fat cells.

These days supermarket aisles are replete with highly addictive processed and packaged foods full of chemical additives such as preservatives, food color, conditioners, bleaches, binders, and fillers, not to mention harmful hydrogenated fats and high fructose corn syrup. These toxins all burden the liver, whose primary purpose is to detoxify the body.

Burden the liver or any part of the digestive system and a message of protest will be delivered to and through your face. Poor eating habits also lead to constipation and water retention.

Water retention is caused by eating highly processed foods that have too much sodium in them. Lack of fiber intake also contributes to water retention.

Hidden food allergies can also be the reason why your face looks puffy on certain days and normal on some days. People normally retain water in more than one place in their body. You can cover up bloated thighs and abs with strategic dressing but you cannot cover up even with contouring makeup techniques a poofy face.

SmokingSmoking depletes your body’s supply of vitamin C, and without vitamin C your body won’t be able to manufacture collagen and elastin, leading to a prematurely sagging face.

This deadly habit also causes free radical damage to your cells and lowers your body’s oxygen levels, giving you wrinkles, blotchy skin, and an unattractive sallow complexion.

Drinking is another bad habit that inevitably impacts your face. The only organ that can process alcohol is the liver, whose primary task is detoxification. If the liver has way too much to detoxify then it won’t be able to perform its other function, which is metabolizing fat.

Accumulation of un-metabolized fats leads to weight gain. Furthermore the end product of processing alcohol is fat even if liquor is fat-free, so you end up gaining even more weight.